
You May Submit What You Want To Submit

I received a disturbing call today. More than a week ago, I submitted a complete set of documents in an agency for compliance and evaluation. The caller I had today was calling in behalf of that agency. She told me that I submitted an incomplete set of documents. Totally surprised (because I reviewed my documents for completeness several times), I asked her what particular document was lacking.

She told me that my bank statements were not submitted when in fact, the bank statements I submitted were original copies. I told her so. Then, she went silent while I could hear the rustling paper on her line. When she came back, she told me she can’t find it. So, I asked her if I can send photocopies or would she need additional documents for me to send.

Her surprising answer was, “You may submit what you want to submit.” I was actually stupefied with her suggestion. Took me a while to recover, in fact. Not giving up, I asked her again. I got the same bewildering answer. Then, she suddenly said “Ok, let me just call you again.” Until now, she hasn’t called yet.

How can somebody suggest something like that? It is considered as a standard operating procedure and a polite way of dealing with clients’ queries to be specific of what requirements or documents are needed to be submitted.

If I had been the supervisor of that caller, she would be in trouble especially that she was transacting in behalf of an international agency. Shame.