
Different Place, Different Uniform

I was looking through the photos of a cousin working in Middle East the other day. I was happy to see that she looks adjusted now compared to the first few weeks of her stay there. I was not so worried about the food because she can practically eat anything but what she had to adjust a lot about was the work culture and her nurse uniform.

She was used to wearing those medcouture scrubs here and so, it took her awhile to get adjusted to the subscribed nurse uniform in her hospital which looks plain. Not only that, they are required to be covered from head to toe which can be very challenging when working with a patient.

She did say that once her contract expires there and she would be back to working here in our city, she would not ever complain about her medcouture scrubs here because it is way prettier and more comfortable than what she is wearing now. My advice to her: As long as she is earning more there than here, she should reserve her complaints. After all, the pay there is way beyond what she was receiving here. It’s just little give and take.