
PhotoHunt#87 Mother

I noticed that whenever a kid gets lost or being seen walking alone unaccompanied, the first question that pops up in people's mind is "Where is your mother?". Somehow, it's a universal feeling that mothers will be always be there for their kids no matter what.

These local boys (as can be seen on the right part of the bridge) were playing on the bridge but I never really minded them as I took pictures with a friend. I was thinking they were used to this bridge more than I do and they won't be having any trouble.


But when I saw this little girl crossing the hanging bridge at the back of our Banaue inn without an adult accompanying her. My first thought was, "Where is your mother, little girl?" I looked around thinking that somebody would go after her but nobody came. The bridge was about a hundred feet high above a steep ground but she was just oblivious of the danger she could be in.


I was momentarily relieved when I saw this lady talking to her as if she was trying to convince her to take her home but then, the little girl continued running across the bridge after their talk. It was only after the little girl passed through the bridge and went up the stairs to the houses that I breathed a sigh of relief.


To all mothers today especially to my mother, thank you so much for everything and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!

This is my entry for:

For more photohunters, go here.


Carmen Araneta said...

And Happy Mother's Day to you! God bless.

magiceye said...

a lovely post as a wonderful tribute to all mothers!!
happy mothers day!!

pinoy word of mouth said...

Are you a mother? In case you are, Happy, Happy, Happy Mother's Day to you.

About the child on the bridge. I hear you. My stomach twitched a bit while I was reading your post. And relieved when I finished reading it. I'm a father of two - girl and boy ages 3 and 4 respectively.

If possible, I make it a point to carry my child across streets. Leaving them alone on a bridge would definitely be a no-no for me.

Scary post. Lovely blog site.

Take a peek on my site to. - http://pinoywordofmouth.blogspot.com

MaR said...

Yes, I ask myself the same questions when I see small children alone. Hope her mom wasn't far away.
Happy Mother's Day weekend to you!! My PH.

jams o donnell said...

It is always mothers we turn to in these circumstances. Happy Mothers Day

Sue said...

Thanks for visiting my blog :-)
I am exactly the same when I see kids alone. I always run around grabbibg lost kids until I find their parent LOL. My husband just looks up to heaven and smiles.

Eden said...

What a story you have there. I would worry about a lone child wandering too.

My photohunt post is here: http://www.slowtrav.com/blog/eden/

Susan Demeter said...

Good take on the theme! Happy photo hunting :) And Happy Mother's Day!

TorAa said...

Yes, so feels Mothers.
Great story

Kim, USA said...

OMG my heart skips when I saw the photo, it's scary! Yup same here I would like to ask where is her mother and why she is alone? Happy mother's day!

Mother Nature

Carver said...

I know what you mean. I see young children and look around for their parents. That does look like a scary bridge. Great shots and post.

CRIZ LAI said...

Yup... Mommy would always be there in our greatest need. :)


Anneke (Mudhooks) said...

Oh dear!

I often wonder, too, about parents who are WITH their children and allowing them to do horrifyingly dangerous things!

I was on a bus one day and crossing a bridge near the Rideau Falls, a beautiful but high waterfall in our city, There was a parent with their child and the boy was up on the retaining wall over the falls RUNNING along the top. The retaining wall is about shoulder height for an adult, so the boy was high above his father, it was raining, and everyone knows how quickly a child's hand can slip form ours. The only thing that could have saved that child from death was luck. There is only a foot or so piece of ground between it and the water so had the child fallen, more likely than not they would have drowned and no one could have saved him.

I was horrified and so angry.

I can't have children and here is a parent deliberately putting his child in danger like that.

Mirage said...

yes, I ask kids first thing "wo ist deine Mama?" (Where's your mom?) If they seem to be lost...not the dad and I dont know why lol.

Anonymous said...

Excellent my friend. Happy Mother's Day to you :)

ReadWriteSnap said...

mao jud na ba...pag payatot, bulingit ug way batasan ang bata = inahan jud dayon ang panungtan...wa juy muingon 'asa imo papa?' hahahah. ug ang bana gani payat, pinasagdan sa asawa. asa imo inahan? lol...stereotyped kau mi oi. ngano wa juy mangutana kung asa pud si bana??? ^^v. unya ug si mama diay ang gapanginabuhi unya si papa ra sa balay?

pares tong naa mi sa walmart, naay bata, bulingit, kauban ra iya papa...ana dayon ako bana, kaluoy ani nga bata oi, way inhan.