
Legion Or Tooth Fairy

There are three movies that I'd like to see this weekend. Tooth Fairy, Old Dogs and Legion. Since I can almost guess the story plot of Tooth Fairy, I decided to watch the movie, Legion, first. I ended up wondering if I made a wrong decision.

Legion tells a story of apocalypse times when a child is born coincidentally during Christmas time to supposedly save the world again. Michael, the guardian angel, was tasked to kill this child to just let the world get ruined but he won't do it. Instead, he tried to protect the child and his mother and that's how the story unravels.

I came in expecting an action movie but the action scenes are just not too many to get me interested. Except for a few thrilling scenes, the movie bored me.

Now, I am looking forward to watching the Tooth Fairy and see if it will entertain me more.