
Doing Business by Blog Advertising

Internet used to be just a way of getting connected with people all over the world. It eventually evolved not only as a fast and vast source of information and a way of connection but one can actually do business thru it.

You got to try blog marketing if you have a business or a product that you want people to know and eventually, to buy or avail of, if you want to drive traffic to your website, if you are planning to tap the marketing and/or advertising agencies to do this kind of work.

People do not easily endorse products that they do not believe in and some would even go further by trying out the product themselves first before they endorse it. I, for one, would not just buy or use a product without asking around. Thus, the power of “word of mouth” or “buzz” works.

Bloggers can help in this “word of mouth” or “buzz”. Search engines like Google and Yahoo can index websites and help find or locate your product or service using your preferred keywords and if you prefer, with the corresponding links to your website. As blogs are seen through the internet and can be accessed globally, advertising and blogs can be harnessed to market products and/or services through bloggers. It is much more effective than doing it conventionally, like say the use of billboards or TV ads. It is also cost-effective as bloggers’ entry posts can stay longer and can be accessed easily through the internet compared to the traditional advertising or marketing.

So, if you are trying to create or expand your market for your products and/or services, try blog advertising. Fast, cost-effective, longer-lasting and the “in” thing to do nowadays.

One of the latest paid post sites that you can try is payingpost.com. It matches advertisers and bloggers with an easy to navigate marketplace that will allow both parties to meet and do business.

This is a win-win situation for bloggers and advertisers. Bloggers can make money blogging, advertisers can increase awareness for their products/services and eventually, increase business presence and marketability.


Anonymous said...

Happy Wednesday! Bloghoppin' here... Hey, I have an interesting tutorial for you that I have written myself. It is about adding Adsense on your Single Post in XML template. I hope you'll like it! God Bless you!

Anonymous said...
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