

I spend most days nowadays at the funeral parlor. If I am not there, I was somewhere taking care of my father's scheduled burial this week or buying items needed at the wake. The dreaded event came sooner than I thought it would. I was hoping it would come later. For some crazy reason, I was hoping it won't ever come.

Somebody said that losing a parent feels like losing a limb. I quite agree. Imperfect as he was, my father was a vital part of our family and everyday lives. He was always the first one up in the morning. The one who did our breakfast and the things needed to be done in those hours. The house went quite now that he's gone. It feels surreal for me. Sadly, it's part of life.


Reader Wil said...

I am so sorry about your loss. At first we don't realise that we never see them again, but after the funeral when life takes its normal course, the loss becomes very painful. Then the real mourning begins. I wish you lots of strength and love!