
Sunday Stealing#60 The Majorly Personal Meme, Part Two

Today we ripped this meme off a blog that is written by a group of high school students. The blog is called Eternal Fireworks. The writers are: Michael, Kynan, Alex, Kenny, Chris, Leo, Shelley, Athy, Bam, Tina, and Bnita. There is no statement as to where it came from. But, it was probably stolen there as well. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. It is a long meme and we shall do it in parts. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Sunday Stealing: The Majorly Personal Meme, Part Two

Cheers to all of us thieves!

21. If you were to live your life without your best friend, what would change?
The long talks, the laugh-til-you-cry moments and an ally, those things would change for me. 

22. Tell us about an era of your life that you really miss.
An era wherein all my cards are always available to talk to..most of them now are always busy and going somewhere else.

23. Have you ever been betrayed by someone that came as a complete surprise? Without revealing the person, if yes, tell us about it.
Yes. As expected it's somebody I considered a friend and in the end, I realized she's just in for the competition. 

24. Do you ever think that is a good idea to hide your feelings?
A lot of times, I do. 

25. Tell us about your favorite year when you were a student.
I was in high school, senior year. I was a choir member and we were in on a lot of activities and even TV appearances. At the same time, we were required to maintain our grades as a requirement for being in the choir. It was fun but it has a lot of pressure. 

25. When was the last time you were in a very good mood? What caused it?
Just yesterday, it was a good day. We went to Eden Nature Park with some visiting relatives from US. We took a lot of pictures and some of the relatives did some fishing. 

26. Have you ever had a romantic relationship with a sibling of a good friend?

27. Tell us about the last thing that you did that you truly regret.
I regretted not forcing my father to get to the doctor last year when he said he could not swallow properly. I just advised him to do it but never really forced the issue when he said he's too busy to go. It turned it was a symptom that he had been having trouble with his lungs that eventually developed into a cancer.

28. When did you laughed today?
I haven't yet.

29. Do you trust easily?
Sometimes, my bad.

30. What do you care about that you wish more people would?
The animals and the environment. I wish some people could just be more caring to the animals and more conscious of the things they throw and destroy in our environment.

31. Is it easier for you to go without food or go without sleep?
Go without sleep.

32. What non-alcohol beverage do you enjoy drinking the most?
Juice and softdrinks.

33. When you walk into a room full of strangers, generally how is your confidence?
Just enough to walk me in and wade through those strangers:)

34. Does talking about sex with anyone but your lover make you uncomfortable?
Yes, most especially if that someone is somebody I'm not really closed with. 

35. Do you tend to believe members of the opposite sex mostly behave the same way?
In some cases, yes. It can be quite obvious, actually. 

36. Did you drink any alcohol this week? If yes, what?
No, I really don't drink that.

37. Would you ever consider being a vegetarian?
I did consider that but my family's too carnivorous that I know I'll just end up losing the battle. 

38. Do you believe that there’s always room in your heart for someone?
I believe so. I hope so. 

39. Do you believe in the concept of soul mates?

40. Last week, we had a few players criticize our victim’s questions. Which is fine to do and we value your opinion. Would you ever consider writing questions for Bud and me to post on a Sunday Stealing?
Oh yeah. Just tell me when you need me.


anne said...

Eden Park is that in Davao? :)

I am Harriet said...

I have when friends get competitive like that.

Have a great rest of the weekend!