
Crimes from Addiction

I have read about this post about how more violent crimes could likely be committed more by people who are suffering from addiction of some sort like alcohol, drugs, meth, substance and more while on the other hand, people who are addicted to just marijuana will just more likely commit lesser violent crimes. This post has made me recall something that happened while at work some months ago.

One day, an officemate who was looking out of our office glass windows saw teen-agers at the back of our office building. The back of our office building is usually deserted and is really not the place for people to hangout on, so he looked closely. He saw one or two kids smoking and dancing and shouting but looking dazed; one of them was holding a big bottle of what look like to be a brandy. He called some of us his officemates and we confirmed his suspicion that indeed the kid was holding an alcohol bottle and he is sharing it with the others. Somebody immediately called 911 to prevent more alcohol crimes and the police apprehended the teenagers. Later on, we confirmed that the kids were all high school students in the nearby high school who cut their classes to smoke marijuana and they were really drinking brandy.

It was really sad to know that young people can do such things as they are really bad decisions and they can influence their actions and thoughts. Some can get addicted to these things and could commit drug crimes. I remember a college classmate told me that he got addicted to marijuana so much in high school and got caught by his parents. He did not know what was happening to him but he committed a marijuana crime by stealing from his parents . His parents were forced to place him in a rehabilitation place. Thankfully, he got cleaned up and is now a successful businessman.