
Sunday Stealing#63 The Threesome Meme

Today we ripped this meme from three people! The first eight questions were ripped from a blogger and blog called Foxymoron. She explains that she stole it from The Harridan. The second part of this meme was written by some blog buddies of ours since WTIT: The Blog first published in '06. Mr Lance from Solitary Views and Frank from Foxxfyrrer's Honk 'n' Holl'r! They decided to do a “two blogs meme” by asking each other 5 questions each. One question they actually never even asked! It was because Frank's mom reads his blog and apparently the question was a bit racy. (See the post by clicking here. It's full of funny schtick.) We left one question out since it was really asked twice. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Sunday Stealing: The Threesome Meme
Cheers to all of us thieves!
1. At what time of your life were you happiest and why?
While celebrating Christmas with my complete family, while on travel last 2007 and while having silly talks with my bestfriend.

2. Where and when did you meet the love of your life?
I'd rather not talk about it.

3. Favourite item of clothing ever or most treasured possession?

4. Must-have makeup or beauty item?
Lipstick and powder.

5. What do you think is your worst vice or fault .. honestly?
I can be brutally honest.

6. Would you tell your friend, if you knew her husband/wife was cheating on her/him?
Maybe not or if I do, I'd take time and just hope that my friend would discover it herself/himself.

7. What ambitions, wishes or desires, for your life, do you still hold close to your heart?
Travel the world, own a beachside property and a farm.

8. Where do you see yourself five years from now?
Home but hopefully, healthy and have fulfilled most of my dreams.

9. If you had the choice of any talent with the penalty that you would lose a talent in exchange, what would you want to gain, and what would you be willing to loose?
Hm...nah! Can I just gain some and not lose some?

10. Name three things that you do want completed in your life before retiring?
See #7.

11. Of all of the people out there who would have been your fantasy date? Date, not romance...
Brad Pitt, Hugh Jackman.

12. Google put another spell on you, you have just changed genders for 48 hours... what are you going to do with your 2 days?
Be merry and have sex.

13. If you owned your own island, and got to make it your own country, what would you call it? And why?
Marites, because it's my name. LOL!

14. If you rubbed the lamp and got 3 wishes, what would they be?
See my father and talk to him. See a friend I haven't seen lately and also talk to him and have tons of money.

15. What is your earliest memory of puberty?
I keep having pimple problems and I keep changing my hairstyle.

16. If you got banished to your Island alone and could only bring 5 things, what would they be?
Laptop with far-reaching and fast speed modem, cellphone, food and water (lots of it), tent and all-purpose knife.


Hootin Anni said...

You're right...#7 and #10 kinda tie in with each other don't they? I love your Christmas happy time.

Link to my Stealing if you find time, I'd love to have you visit.

Have a great day.

I am Harriet said...

So true about health.
Enjoy your Sunday.
Join us for Monday Mayhem