
Sunday Stealing#77 The Stupid Evil Bastard Meme

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger named Les Jenkins at the blog Stupid Evil Bastard. He credits Dave as his source. But, it was probably stolen there as well. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Sunday Stealing: The Stupid Evil Bastard Meme

Cheers to all of us thieves!

1. What time did you get up this morning?
I woke up at past 7am.

2. How do you like your steak?
Well-done. I don't want to see any blood on it.

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
The Tourist with Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie in it.

4. What is your favorite TV show?
CSI, The House, Dancing With The Stars

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
I would love to live for a while in Italy.

6. What did you have for breakfast?
Rice, Luncheon Meat, egg omelette with shrimp paste(bagoong)

7. What is your favorite cuisine?
Filipino and Chinese

8. What foods do you dislike?
Can't say I dislike them but I just don't prefer them that much.
10. Favorite dressing?
Oriental dressing

11.What kind of vehicle do you drive?
I don't drive.

12. What are your favorite clothes?
Jeans and t-shirts.

13. Where would you visit if you had the chance?
Right now, I'd like to visit my father's grave. As for some trip, I'd really like to get to Palawan this summer.

14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?
Most of the time, half-full.

15. Where would you want to retire?
In a farm, by the beach.

16. Favorite time of day?
Early morning when the day is just starting over.

17. Where were you born?
Davao City

18. What is your favorite sport to watch?

19. Who do you think will never call you again?
I don't know, I don't care.

20. Person you expect to call you next?
A good friend who seems so busy nowadays.

21. Who are you most curious about their responses to Stealing?
Actually, any participant of this meme.

22. Bird watcher?
Yes, but not much.

23. Are you a morning person or a night person?

24. Do you have any pets?
Yes, one dog and 5 cats.

25. Any new and exciting news you’d like to share?
We did a studio light photo-workshop yesterday and since I don't have any external flash, I tried to use the ambient light. To my surprise and excitement, some of the photos I took were good (at least, to my standards) hehehehe!

26. What did you want to be when you were little?
I wanted to be a doctor and/or a nun.

29. Are you married?

30. Always wear your seat belt?
Yes, as long as I don't forget.

31. Been in a car accident?
Just bumper to bumper and hopefully, that will be it.

32. Any pet peeves?
People who don't know how to clean up after their mess.

33. Favorite Pizza Toppings?
Cheese and pineapple.

34. Favorite Flower?
Rose and sampaguita.

35. Favorite ice cream?
Ube (purple yam), cheese, halo-halo

36. Favorite fast food restaurant?
I like Jollibee better than most fastfood restaurants, not that I go there often though.

37. How many times did you fail your driver’s test?
Haven't taken one yet.

38. Who did you get your last email from?
From a good friend.

39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
If I can really afford, I'd really max out on plane tickets for my travels hehehe!

40. Do anything spontaneous lately?
Hmm...went to a restaurant and pigged out.

41. Like your job?
Yes, for this year,.i'd like to explore more of it.

42. Broccoli?
Yes, I like it.

43. What was your favorite vacation?
It's always near a beach:).

44. Last person you went out to dinner with?
With good friends and we talked about our upcoming Singapore trip.

45. What are you listening to right now?
Hmm..I like the song, Jar of Hearts.

46. What is your favorite color?
Nowadays, it's green.

47. How many tattoos do you have?
None, I did try henna tattoo before though.

48. How many times have you tagged someone to do a meme?
Hm...none lately.

49. What time did you finish this meme?
It's past 2pm here now.

50. Coffee Drinker?
Yes, I prefer Nescafe.