
Sunday Stealing#76 The First 2011 Alphabet Meme

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger named Neil Turner at the blog Neil Turner from the blog Neil Turner's Blog (duh). Neil is from Yorkshire, England. He said he stole it from Troy. But, it was probably stolen there as well. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Sunday Stealing: The First 2011 Alphabet Meme

Cheers to all of us thieves!

A is for Age: Age doesn't matter.

B is for Beer of choice: I don't drink beer.

C is for Career: Office employee.

D is for favourite Drink: coffee, coke, iced tea.

E is for Essential item you use everyday: computer, cellphone

F is for Favourite song at the moment: Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars

G is for favourite Game: Bookworm

H is for Home town: Hometown is where I grew up.

I is for Instruments you play: guitar

J is for favourite Juice: DOLE pineapple juice or apple juice.

K is for Kids: None.

L is for Last kiss: Long time ago.

M is for marriage: with no one. I wonder if I'll ever be married.

N is for full Name: too long so just call me Marites

O is for Overnight hospital stays: can't remember how many but it was recent when my father was hospitalized last August.

P is for phobias: Of losing my loved ones.

Q is for quote: Life is short, make the most of it.

R is for biggest Regret: Having a heart to heart talk to my father before he died.

S is for sports: tennis, boxing, badminton, karate.

T is for Time you wake up: past 6am during working days, past 8am during weekends.

U is for colour of underwear: now? white.

V is for Vegetable you love: hmm...i love vegetables so I can't pick one.

W is for Worst Habit: procrastination.

X is for X-rays you've had: I always have them during my annual physical exam.

Y is for Yummy food you make: blueberry cheesecake and Buko (young coconut) salad last New Year's Day

Z is for zodiac sign: Libra


Lui said...

wow you're a real sports buff. hehe were opposites i find myself always bumbling in sports lol!

thanks for visiting and commenting on my entry =)

I am Harriet said...

I once had the same phobia.

Have a great day!

Join us for Monday Mayhem!