
Can We Do It?

As I watch the Chile Mine Rescue unfold on the internet for the past few weeks, I could not help but admire the very people who persevered to get the Chile miners alive. Not only that, it’s just so amazing to see how faith in God, a little bit of humor, tons of discipline and some show of solidarity could go really a long, long way.

According to the mine experts, the Chile mine rescue operation was unprecedented in its difficulty and the subsequent sophisticated instruments used to extract the miners. In my own country, I wonder if we can do it. Not only the high-tech equipments needed for the rescue operation but also the solidarity and determination that the Chile people had shown to the world.

Can we do it? I do hope so.


Anonymous said...

Did you see or hear that they used a fiber optic cable to get the video from 2000+ feet below? I thought that was a stroke of genius myself. It was a stunning watch and I watched every minute of it while not at work. Things like this restore my hope in humanity as a whole :)

D said...

Marites, you would be able to do it in your country because we (people) always come to the aid of others and disasters. The drilling rigs and drills were due to the efforts of two companies in Pennsylvania in the U.S. And as you say, with 'faith in God, humor, discipline and solidarity' accomplishments are limitless.